Please join us for two exhibition walkthroughs with the artists. First we will see Ellen Cantor's Private Pleasures at dnj gallery, Suite J1 in Bergamot Station, then move on to see Stephen Verona's exhibition Carnivale Candy at EarthWe Gallery next door.
Ellen Cantor's work is deeply influenced by her love of literature. This series explores memory and preservation of the past while ensuring the creation of a visual legacy for the next generation. Excited by the camera oscura work of photographer Albelardo Morell, Prior Pleasures explores the myth of the photographic truth and inspired her to create a new way of looking at childhood icons Prior Pleasures is created using a multiple exposure technique (without Photoshop) by photographing the end pages, illustrations, and text into one image. This process allows Ms. Cantor to show the excitement of a book fluttering open and coming to life for readers of all generations.
Stephen Verona's exhibit is the result of a “Bucket List” trip, when Verona attended the Carnivale in Venice Italy. He selected people in the most outrageous costumes, rounding up 306 willing subjects. Using some manipulation in Photoshop, he then created stunning backgrounds for each figure, using samples from their costumes. The result is pure eye candy!